Setaram uses Calisto software recognized as the most powerful on the Thermal Analysis market

Specialist software
Calisto is designed specifically for Thermal Analysis applications (DSC, TGA, STA, TMA) and Calorimetry, and comprises of two independent parts:
Calisto Acquisition: dedicated to the control of, and data acquisition from, your Setaram instruments.
Calisto Processing: for the treatment and presentation of Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis data, independent of instrument type.
Calisto Acquisition
Calisto Acquisition combines ease-of-use with powerful control of your instrument and includes:
• Program acquisition procedures
• Control of one or more of your instruments by PC
• Saving and monitoring in real time your experimental signals
• Changing experimental conditions
• Triggering acquisition from other instruments
Calisto Processing
Calisto Processing includes:
• Evaluation of heat capacity in continuous or step mode.
• A catalogue of Cp for typical reference materials that can be implemented with user data.
• Filing and signal importation and treatment
• Peak deconvolution / separation
• Data presentation for maximum flexibility and impact
• A new, more precise standard for baseline selection / subtraction.
• The ability to automatically generate a blank signal by extrapolation
• Export of your graphical data, raw and calculated points
Based on user feedback Calisto incorporates many mathematical features, several comprising of single mouse clicks. Features include:
Heat capacity determination, peak separation, inverse filtering, glass transition, regression analysis, and much more.
Please refer to our brochure above for a full list of specifications and for the minimum and recommended computer configurations
Using Calisto
Calisto is available in a choice of 2 different licences:
– “Calisto Standalone” gives permanent unlimited access, without software updates
– “Calisto 365” is a yearly subscription giving full access and software updates.
Do you plan to upgrade your Calisto software?
First check the latest free version that you can use.
If the latest version isn’t free, please ask our team.
For issues reading “.chm” Calisto help files, please refer to