Experimental conditions control
during measurements: eg humidity, pressure, corrosive or hazardous gases and many more

Don’t lose control !
Measurement results are useless if their experimental conditions aren’t repeatable, or like real life or industrial process conditions. That’s why our solutions are designed to allow you to keep control over experimental conditions.
Controlled Relative Humidity
Perfect for simulating various humid conditions during a materials’ preparation, use, storage or ageing. Our humidity control solutions employ stand alone systems, aswell as connect to most analyzers in our range and to third party instrumentation. -
Pressure Resistance and Control
Ideal for simulating the materials’ behavior in a tightly closed environment, or when it is exposed to high pressure. Our solutions offer pressure resistance, measure and / or control up to 1000 bar. -
Testing under conditions your Materials won’t like
Push material samples to their limit with aggressive and corrosive atmosphere testing, and find ways to improve their service life. Our solutions include glass reactors, resistant seals, tubing and connections, and more.
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