Magnetic phase measurements

in materials like tungsten carbides, hardened steels and other hard or magnetic materials.

It’s not just about attraction

The parra- or ferro-magnetic phases of a material give it special magnetizing – and therefore attraction! – properties. But that’s not all. Magnetic phases are, for example, very important in defining the fields of use of shape memory alloys, or in a very important quality criterion for cutting tool materials: hardness. Testing the quantities of magnetic phases or the temperatures at which the magnetic properties of these phases change is therefore crucial to mastering these materials.

  • Magnetic saturation

    Magnetic saturation testing of hard metals guarantees their quality and performance by providing information on their composition, structure and properties, and by detecting potential defects.

  • Differential scanning calorimetry
    Differential Scanning Calorimetry

    This measures with a high accuracy most transitions temperatures like Curie points, martensite (Ms, Mf) and austenite (As, Af) transformations.

  • Differential thermal analysis

    Differential thermal analysis provides data similar to differential scanning calorimetry, but over a wider temperature range.

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