100 years of the “TIAN-CALVET” sensor!
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The human in the service of technology – Integrated know-how
This specific technology, mastered by the KEP Technologies Group, is the result of a manual know-how that has lasted for a hundred years in micromechanical designs.
The realization of a sensor relies on a precise and demanding manufacturing process: from the welding, through the brazing, the assembly and the mounting; so many steps which will contribute to the performance of our calorimeters.
The story: From Professor Tian to the CALVET instrument
In 1922 Professor Tian developed a microcalorimeter with thermocouples, which was taken over and transformed by his successor Edouard Calvet into a real laboratory instrument.
The sensor has been transformed to meet other needs: it has been adapted to operate at very low temperatures, with large volume samples, up to high pressure etc…

Challenges and benefits of the sensor
Tian-Calvet’s sensor technology has enabled our customers to achieve major breakthroughs in the energy, environmental and medical sectors, leading to safer processes and more efficient and sustainable materials.
- Efficiency and safety of chemical processes
- Efficiency and safety of energy storage materials (batteries, hydrogen, phase change materials, etc)
- Stability of drugs and pharmaceutical formulations
- Efficiency of CO2 capture and sequestration processes
- Safety of nuclear materials and waste storage

The multiplier effect
The CALVET line of calorimeters uses the 3D sensor concept, which is composed of an array of thermocouples surrounding the measuring cells. The heat measurement is 95% efficient, where conventional planar sensor DSCs reach 30 to 50%. These sensors also use an extremely reliable Joule effect calibration. This unique combination of a highly efficient sensor and a highly reliable calibration provides unmatched measurement accuracy.