High pressure calorimetry for flow assurance and gas hydrates
Setaram’s high pressure calorimetry has become a gold standard for mesasuring thermodynamic data such as gas hydrate stability and wax appearance temperature in order to anticipate oil and gas transportation issues.

Measure data to anticipate oil and gas transportation issues
When you’re in the oil & gas business, you know that the preservation of the flow of oil and gas in pipelines is critical. Flow assurance laboratories need solutions like high pressure calorimetry to simulate and predict flow properties in pipelines.
Gas hydrates stability
Gas hydrates affect gas flow in pipelines at high pressure and low temperature. You can determine the stability of different gas hydrate + inhibitor systems thanks to DSC or calorimetry. High pressure and low temperature conditions are achievable with these techniques.
Wax appearance
Waxes affect gas flow in pipelines at high pressure and low temperature. You can determine the conditions of the appearance of waxes in these oils with DSC or calorimetry. Real-life high pressure and low temperature conditions are achievable with these techniques.
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