The latest news from Setaram
Whether a seminar, market news, new content, upcoming trade shows, product innovation, promotions, customer feedback or other topical news and events, we strive to keep you informed

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Don’t settle for 2nd best
Want the most accurate heat measurement on the market ?

Categories: People
Excerpt: If you want to measure the heat, heat flow or heat capacity of materials why not use the best measurement accuracy available. This is especially…
Simplification at its best
Setaram makes your life easier

Categories: People
Excerpt: Setaram offers a comprehensive range of solutions that has grown year after year. With the aim of making our offer more accessible and intuitive, we’ve…
A whole new world !
Welcome to Setaram’s new digital presence

Categories: People
Excerpt: To provide our customers, distributors and partners with a more enjoyable and seamless brand experience, we’ve been working hard on a new digital interface that…
New brand identity
Setaram turns purple

Categories: People
Excerpt: We are excited to introduce our new visual identity! In recent years, KEP Technologies has restructured and optimized it’s activities in line with our global…