The latest news from Setaram

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Catégories : Archives

Extrait : Thursday, April 27 (10:00 – 10:30 AM GMT+1)

Catégories : Archives

Extrait : Thursday, March 30 (1:00 – 1:30 PM EDT)

Catégories : Event

Extrait : Setaram is partner of Summer School and Workshop in Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis 2023 Calorimetry and thermal methods in material science  To know more &…

Catégories : People

Extrait : TESTIMONIAL Dr. Sarah Saidi Research Physicist, Physical and Chemical Analysis Department (RPC) Research and Innovation Center One minute to spare? WATCH TESTIMONIAL   Teijin Aramid…

Webinar on the characterization of materials under hydrogen atmosphere

Catégories : Archives

Extrait : Thursday, February 23 (10:00 – 11:00 AM CEST)

Catégories : Webinar

Extrait : Register now for an upcoming webinar (depending on your timezone):

Catégories : People

Extrait : TESTIMONIAL Livia MARRA R&D Project Manager, Baikowski One minute to spare? WATCH TESTIMONIAL   Baikowski INDUSTRY Inorganic Materials (Alumina, Fine Minerals…) LOCATION France SETARAM INSTRUMENT…

Thursday December 15th, with Maxime Bourdon

Webinar on oil & gas applications of microcalorimetry

Catégories : Archives

Extrait : WATCH THE REPLAY   Setaram invites you to attend a new Webinar on how to Reduce your risks with our flow assurance solutions that will take…

Catégories : Archives

Extrait : October 16-21, 2022 – Takamatsu, Japan – The International Symposium on High-temperature Oxidation and Corrosion Our local partner Shinya Sakai from DKSH joined the ISHOC-2022 in Japan with our…

Catégories : Product & Brand

Extrait : AUTOMATIC SAMPLE CHANGERS – Reliable robots for intensive use Because we want to provide our users with thermal analyzers that are always more efficient, innovative…

Catégories : People

Extrait : Hongyu Zeng APPLICATIONS MANAGER KEP CHINA, Shanghai One minute to spare? WATCH hongyu’S INTERVIEW   WHO ARE YOU? AGE / NATIONALITY 43′ / Chinese BACKGROUND…

Thursday November 24th, with Gaelle Lebourleux

Catégories : Archives

Extrait : WATCH THE REPLAY   Setaram invites you to attend a new Webinar on how to Extend your testing capacity with Evolved Gas Analysis? that will…

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